Monday, January 30, 2017

Running Alone

I used to do a lot of running by myself when I first started. The big reason I started running was because it was something I could do while pushing little man in the jogger. I was getting exercise in and I wasn't feeling like a guilty mommy. Then I started doing longer runs and just couldn't take the jogger with me because the distance was too much for little man to sit through. At first I felt like a terrible parent but luckily my husband kept reassuring me that I wasn't and even encouraged me to keep running. I soon found that running by myself was so freeing. I was able to relax, listen to music and enjoy being outside. Some days it was a way for me to release stress, plan workouts or just work through stuff in my head. Eventually I even stopped listening to music all together and just took in the surroundings. I loved this kind of me time.

I never thought much about being harmed while on a run. It was about a year or so ago that we had a random murder occur on our apartment complex property. I would run by myself all the time around the complex. There is a little section that was always some what questionable because no one could see you and that's the general area where the murder had taken place. Since then there have also been other events in the news about women being taken while they are out running. I feel so robed of my me time. Some people think it's stupid that I won't run alone, that I let fear get to me. But what's the point of running by myself if I'm worried or scared and constantly looking behind my back to see if someone is following me. That's not why I run. That's not how I want to run.

I don't run alone much any more. If I do it's during the day time in a heavy populated area and not for long distances. I also always change up running route so that it is not predictable. I am glad that I enjoy running without music which gives me one less distraction. I know lots of people dread the treadmill but I actually don't mind it. I can still get close to having that me time, just not outside.

Today I got in 6.5 miles by myself. It was much needed. The weather was gorgeous and I have missed it. It was around 80 degrees with clear, sunny skies. As much as I enjoyed it and being back in a tank top and shorts, I've also realized how much I need to do in terms of heat training. I feel like LA Marathon is going to be a hot one and I've been so use to running in cooler temps for training runs. I also need to put the sunscreen back in my car. Got a little pink today.

Today I was Rocking:
Orange Mud HQ Single Barrel (I completely forgot my visor today)
INKnBURN tank and shorts
PRO Compression purple socks
HokaOneOne Vanquish 2s
Tailwind Nutrition Lemon flavor
Goodr black sunglasses 

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